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I have struggled with weight my entire adult life. It's time for me to lose weight for ME!

Sunday, December 5

Just when I think I know what I'm doing...

WW goes and changes everything on me!!!!  Ugh!  I've been on WW for the last 6 months and Weight Watchers has changed things from the Momentum Plan to Points Plus. 

Yes, I truly believe that the Point Plus plan is healthier for me, but I have to relearn everything!  None of my favorite foods calculate out the same!  My daily oatmeal at work went from 2 points to 3 Points Plus.  The 1 point wraps I use for lunch are now 3 Points Plus. 

I like that fruits and most veggies are now Point Plus FREE foods. 

It will take me time to work out the details of the new plan and make it work for me, but in the meantime, I'll do my best and enjoy the changes of the new plan.  Off to figure out how many Points Plus tonight's pizza was!